Three Sisters Play Space Engineers S3E03

Captain Gwen: It’s going to be a long haul from here, but we’re ready. We upgraded to a full assembler and refinery and put four yield upgrades on it so every run of ore will yield 200%. Now we’re ready to start building the big miner, add alternative power, and turtle up.

1st Officer Ashley: It’s a solid plan and I’m fully on board.

Engineer Misha: First we added drills to the scout.

Engineer Misha: Then we painted it per the Captain’s direction.

Engineer Misha: After a couple runs, we had enough to expand the base a little. It’s still very rough, but no more digging by hand. We also moved the door so it wasn’t so exposed. From here on out, we’re probably going to be tunneling to all our mines from underground rather than from above. This is what we have to do so we’re not caught by the competition.

Engineer Misha: We also redesigned the scout/miner a little, added more thrusters, and made it more of a proper temporary miner.

Captain Gwen: It’s going to take a lot of work from here, whew, but we have to stay vigilent.

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