Two and a Half Sisters Are Done Here S4 E9 [Last Episode]

Captain’s Log: Dang we’ve had a few minor setbacks but nothing too bad. On the last run for iron, I crashed the driller pretty bad but amazingly I kept the cargo and I was able to get home on half the engines. We repaired it quickly. Next Misha crashed the ultralight and nearly got itContinue reading “Two and a Half Sisters Are Done Here S4 E9 [Last Episode]”

Two and a Half Sisters are Back on Track S4 E8

Captain’s Log: Believe it or not, we finished the base. I say that because we almost died a couple times from falling. Not having jetpacks is a real risk. We’re now set to build the Ship. Admiral’s Report: I have found no fault with the captain or counselor. Commander Gweneth’s death has been ruled aContinue reading “Two and a Half Sisters are Back on Track S4 E8”

Three Sisters Experience Issues S4 E7

Captain’s Log: It is with great pain that I write this. The commander is dead. She jumped from one of the platforms and inexplicably became stuck under the wheel of the overlander and was killed without taking damage. Lord Klang giveth and Lord Klang taketh away. Counselor Misha’s Log: I blame myself, I should haveContinue reading “Three Sisters Experience Issues S4 E7”

Three Sisters Automate Drilling S4 E6

Counselor Misha: I redesigned the Hidden Dragon into a true Dragon with a refinery and assembler. Perfect for anything we need. Captain Ashley: It looks cute wicked! Commander Gwen: You mean wicked cute and yes it does, nice job Counselor! Counselor Misha: Thanks! … Counselor Misha: Hey, there’s a lot of extra work in makingContinue reading “Three Sisters Automate Drilling S4 E6”

Three Sisters Play Space Engineers S4 E5

Captain Ashley: Well the driller’s done. Commander Gwen: Yes! Finally. And I picked up some magnesium, now we’re fully armed! Captain Ashley: Perfect. Counselor Misha: The base design will commence shortly. We just need space for the hidden dragon, but I need to finish the HD upgrades first to see how big it is. ThenContinue reading “Three Sisters Play Space Engineers S4 E5”

Three Sister Prospectors S4 E4

Commander Gwen: Now that we’re done with the ultralite, we can go back and get that iron boulder. Then we can scout for more iron to build this driller and beyond. Captain Ashley: Excellent work commander, you made it past early game! Counselor Misha: Yay! … Commander Gwen: A rival local faction was getting nervousContinue reading “Three Sister Prospectors S4 E4”

Three Sisters Mining Simulator S4 E3

Captain Ashley: We’re finally done. Get ready to head out. Commander Gwen: Where to Captain? Captain Ashley: Exactly where you recommended. The drone has scouted out a possible route, we’ll see how passible it is. Gwen and Misha: aye aye Captain! … Captain’s Log: We’ve made it to the lake with a nice place toContinue reading “Three Sisters Mining Simulator S4 E3”

Three Sisters Fight Boredom S4 E2

Captain Ashley: So where we landed there’s no water. All we have is the 300 liters of water we started with and that’s not going to last long. There’s some snow in the local mountains, about 6 klicks east and south. I think we need to go for it. Commander Gwen: I’ll go. It’s theContinue reading “Three Sisters Fight Boredom S4 E2”

Three Sisters Come back from the brink of insanity S4 E1

Ashley: We’re back again, back for more punishment and who knows how far we’ll get. We’ve done a lot in this game, overcome many obstacles. Misha: And we came so close! Gwen: I feel like I’ve let you all down. Ashley: Never. We made that decision together, it was a task that no human wasContinue reading “Three Sisters Come back from the brink of insanity S4 E1”

Three Sisters Nearly Go Insane S3 E11 [Last Episode]

[Councilor Misha] Medical Log Stardate: 99326.43 All this mining has taken its toll on our captain. She’s barely holding on but we’ve made great progress. We’re 90% to our goal minus a transport ship minus Platinum or Uranium. So we can’t make thrusters or missiles as part of our shipment, but we did make nearlyContinue reading “Three Sisters Nearly Go Insane S3 E11 [Last Episode]”

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