Three Sisters Automate Drilling S4 E6

Counselor Misha: I redesigned the Hidden Dragon into a true Dragon with a refinery and assembler. Perfect for anything we need.

Captain Ashley: It looks cute wicked!

Commander Gwen: You mean wicked cute and yes it does, nice job Counselor!

Counselor Misha: Thanks!

Counselor Misha: Hey, there’s a lot of extra work in making a door, do we need a door on the base?

Captain Ashley: Doors are nice for protection.

Counselor Misha: But what about entombing the whole thing other than a small entrance then drilling it out at the very end.

Commander Gwen: I like this idea!

Captain Ashley: Doors make for a fast getaway.

Counselor Misha: Hmm… It’s a lot of material for a door and they can still blast through it. At least if we burry it under the mountain, we’re safe until it’s done, then we can make a door if needed?

Commander Gwen: It sounds awesome.

Counselor Misha: I want to automate the drilling of the cave too.

Captain Ashley: Well, ok, it seems like you’re onto something. So a small entrance then a huge under mountain cavity with an automatic drill to open it in the end?

Counselor Misha: YES! Then it’s kinda fast-ish.

Captain Ashley: Deal!

Counselor Misha: It has everything we need and we can sink it into the side of the mountain. For now all we can do is wait because our driller is low on battery. I suppose we can build a better power supply.

Counselor Misha: Actually, I started work on the auto-drillers and they’re slow but steady. It’s taken so long and produced so much iron from stone, that we haven’t needed to use the driller much, just for ice gathering. I’ll have to upgrade the power soon though.

Commander Gwen: It’s nice.

Captain Ashley: Do you miss mining that much?

Commander Gwen: I have this tieer three drill and haven’t used it much…

Counselor Misha: Well don’t lose hope, there’s going to be a lot of manual drilling… well maybe not as much as you’d hoped.

Commander Gwen: I’m okay with that.

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