Three Sisters Play Space Engineers S2E03

Gwen: That went very well. We’re done with our little buggy and it might do us well to keep it as is even though it’s not very useful for mining or transport, it’ll get us to our preferred spot with a survival kit and therefore it’ll act as our save point. Though we couldn’t put a computer on it unfortunately, it needs some electronic components we don’t have and can’t make until we have plastic which is ages away, and we’ll need a lot of infrastructure to get that. However, we can get set up with an iron mine and safe base to build our real hauler so we can go scouting for other mines. There are quite a few to find so that’ll be a good long time.

Ashley: It did go better than I thought and we’re in great shape now.

Misha: Yay! I didn’t help much at all, but neither did Bear, as he’s really only here remotely so to speak.

Gwen: All we need to do now is get a bunch of ice so the hydrogen tanks are filled and we’re ready to pack up and go. Since we don’t have enough batteries we need to keep the engines running to have power to move.

Ashley: We might throw a container on top if we run out of space, I’m not leaving anything behind.

Ashley: We have enough ice, so it’s time to go.

Misha: Goodbye Base, we’ll miss you.

Ashley: I feel like a true nomad now.

Misha: This is a nice Vista!

Gwen: That went well and we found Iron and Nickle right away! Now we should find a spot for a base not too far away and settle down for the next phase.

Misha: That was fast!

Ashley: Yeah, the simulations didn’t go anything like this.

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