Three Sisters Play Mining Simulator Extended Addition S3E09

[Captain Gwen] We’re being smart about this. We’re doing what we can to speed this up. We’re making great progress!

[1st Officer Ashley] We’re at a real risk of never finishing this.

[Engineer Misha] The mining is getting to us. We’re just doing a little every day, but it’s really going to take a long time.

[Engineer Misha] So we got tired of waiting for the miner to recharge, so we built a second one.

[Engineer Misha] We had to temporarily build a welder to help because for some reason the plates were next to impossible to add by hand this time.

[1st Officer Ashley] Not much of an update, nothing else happened except when Gwen hit a wall too hard and we had to replace a couple thrusters, but nothing big. Having two miners guarantees we can mine non-stop. We have more than enough power. We got our first “warning” that we are still in danger, and a single drone was spotted but it got distracted by another ship and left us alone.

[Captain Gwen] We’re making progress, it’ll happen. The fun will come when we have to get everything to the drop off. That’s going to be really stressful after all this work.

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